Please scroll down for Informational Links
While your pet is staying with us, they will receive the gentlest care. Also they will have a bath and pedicure at no additional cost the morning they are scheduled to leave.
Heartworm Prevetion, Flea & Tick Control Should Be Year-Round
Following are links to some information that you may find useful. Dogwood Veterinary Hospital is not responsible for any of the information at these sites, which are provided solely for your convenience.
Animal Emergency Center of Oklahoma City
Saving Pets At Risk
Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association
Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences/Teaching Hospital
Cornell University Hospital for Animals
Veterinary Surgery Center
American Heartworm Society
Eye Care Clinic for Animals
Canine Companions for Independence
Canine Companions for Independence-Shawnee, Okla.
Companion Animal Parasite Council
Paws and Remember